V. Rev. Dr. Andrew Cuneo
Fr. Andrew Cuneo was raised in the “green and pleasant” land of Wilton, Connecticut, where he lived until attending Stanford University 3,000 miles away. It was there that he met his future wife, Elizabeth. He graduated from Stanford with a B.A. in English and then travelled to England to complete an M.Phil. in English Renaissance Literature at the University of Oxford.
Before completing graduate studies, he assisted Walter Hooper with research on the unpublished letters of C. S. Lewis, a subject which then became the focus of his doctorate at Oxford. The University awarded him his D.Phil. in English in 2001, making him the first Oxford scholar ever to receive a doctoral degree on C. S. Lewis.
He went on to teach English Literature at Hillsdale College for 6 years before beginning his theological training at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, which he completed in 2010. Upon his arrival to the San Diego area, he taught English Literature from 2011-2014 at St. Katherine College.
He lives in Encinitas, California, with his wife, three lively daughters and one smiling son. Fr. Andrew is the founding priest of St. Katherine Orthodox Church.

Fr. Peter Carmichael
Father Peter Carmichael studied at St. Vladimir Orthodox Seminary 1982-1985. Upon leaving seminary, he served as a deacon for 3 years in the Diocese of New England. He was ordained to the holy priesthood in 1988. From 1990 to 1993 he served as a US Navy chaplain at Camp Lejeune, NC. He returned to New England and from 1995 to 2019 was the pastor of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Springfield, Vermont.
While serving as a priest, Fr. Peter worked as a statistical analyst at Dartmouth Medical School for 20 years and co-authored research papers in medical journals.
He retired in August 2019 and moved to San Diego. His wife, Matushka Karen, was a registered nurse for 29 years. They have 3 children who all live in San Diego.

Fr. Dcn. Chrisopher Hetrick
Father Deacon Christopher was raised in Carlsbad, graduating from Carlsbad High School where he met his future wife, Matushka Sophia. Following high school, he attended Pepperdine University where he graduated with a B.A. in Economics and a B.S. in Finance. After graduating from Pepperdine in 2001, he returned to San Diego where he began his career in the investment field at a local firm.
Matushka Sophia joined him in marriage and shortly thereafter both converted to Holy Orthodoxy, eventually welcoming a son (Stavros) and later a daughter (Theodora) to the Hetrick family. On the feast of Sts. Peter & Paul in 2010, he joined his spiritual father and other faithful to form Patristic Nectar Publications, an Orthodox Christian ministry which seeks to “nourish the spiritually thirsty with the sweet teachings of the Holy Fathers.” By the grace of God, Patristic Nectar has grown steadily and now publishes books, audio lectures, catechetical materials, and hosts an annual conference.
In 2012, he helped to launch a new investment firm in Newport Beach, California, where he continues to work while residing with his family in Encinitas. He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate on February 19, 2023, and was blessed by His Eminence Archbishop Benjamin to serve Fr. Andrew and the faithful of St. Katherine Church. He is Vice President of St. Katherine’s Parish Council and helps on the Building and Fundraising Committees of the church.
Rector — V. Rev. Dr. Andrew Cuneo
Vice-President — Dcn. Christopher Hetrick
Treasurer — Ryan Alex
Secretary —Adam Quaranta
Member-at-Large — Sheri Leopold
Sisterhood President — Wendy Parenteau
Brotherhood President — Gary Huff
Music Director & Conductor — Reader Dr. Vladimir Morosan
Administrative Assistant - Katie Huff, secretary@stkatherineorthodoxchurch.org